Human-robot interaction; Parallel robots; Machining robots; Soft robots; Mobile robots and intelligent autonomous systems; Robotic vision, recognition and reconstruction; Robot intelligence, learning and linguistics; Robot design, development and control; Robot motion analysis and planning; Medical robot; Robot legged locomotion; Space and underwater robots; Navigation/Localization.
Adaptive and learning control systems; Advanced control and informatics; Computer integrated manufacturing; Embedded sensors and actuators; Estimation and identification; Factory modeling and automation; Flexible manufacturing systems; Fuzzy and neural systems; Man-machine interactions; Modeling of complex systems; Motion control; Micro and nano systems; Nonlinear systems and control; Sensors and transducers; Smart structures & materials hybrid; Stability and stabilization.
Advanced measurement and machine vision system; Flexible electronics/sensors; Smart/Electrical skin; Drives and actuators’ modeling; Education in mechatronics engineering; Micro-electro-mechanical systems; Multi-sensor data fusion algorithms; Mechatronics in energy systems; Motion vibration and noise control; Sensing of small quantities; Automotive systems; Data storage systems; Electronic packaging; Micro/nano technology.
New emerging robotic applications in service, construction, forestry, agriculture, field, search and rescue, underwater tasks, on-orbital service, and planetary exploration, be also the main topics in ICIRA 2024.